According to the Family Caregiver Alliance, 70% of caregivers with a full or part-time job suffer from work-related difficulties due to their duel care giving roles. Many caregivers in this situation end up having to rearrange work schedules, decrease hours, or take leave in order to fulfill their roles as caregivers. Video surveillance solutions can ease this burden and allow you to care of your loved ones while balancing other responsibilities. From checking in on elderly family members to making sure your children arrive home safely from school, video surveillance can seamlessly integrate into and improve your daily routine.

According to the Family Caregiver Alliance70% of caregivers with a full or part-time job suffer from work-related difficulties due to their duel care giving roles. Many caregivers in this situation end up having to rearrange work schedules, decrease hours, or take leave in order to fulfill their roles as caregivers.

Video surveillance solutions can ease this burden and allow you to care of your loved ones while balancing other responsibilities. From checking in on elderly family members to making sure your children arrive home safely from school, video surveillance can seamlessly integrate into and improve your daily routine.

Video Surveillance for Aging Family Members

As loved ones begin to age, they may require more assistance around the home, aid for everyday tasks, or you may just want to check-in on them more often. Assisted living facilities can be pricey, and many elders do not relish the idea of living there.

Video surveillance solutions can help older family hold onto independence, while worried family members maintain peace of mind. The cost of video surveillance installation is minimal in comparison to an assisted living facility, and elders can continue their normal routines.

Use video surveillance to check in on your loved ones to make sure they haven’t fallen or injured themselves, and even to ensure hired caregivers treat them well. It is an unfortunate truth that some professional caregivers do not carry out their jobs properly. Video surveillance relieves this worry by putting you in control.

In addition, incorporate a remote unlock feature to provide added convenience and safety. If you have a caregiver who comes regularly to tend to an elder family member, remotely unlock the door to let them in or automatically unlock at a certain time of day. This allows caregivers to come and tend to your loved ones without them having to get up and answer the door.

Keep an Eye on Your Kids

With hectic schedules, balancing work and home life can be tricky, making it difficult to be home with your kids at all times. Video surveillance solutions can ease any worries. See your kids arrive home safely from school, and ensure you have eyes at home should occurrences arise.

Video surveillance solutions make it easy for caregivers to check in on family members remotely to ensure safety and well-being. This provides peace of mind, safety and convenience.